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Permanent Mimaki ink chips vs. Ink Chip Resetter


Updated: Feb 27, 2021

Nowadays wide format printing (or large format printing) is a billion-dollar industry that predicted to grow up rapidly in the after-lockdown period, since we are getting out of covid crisis and many businesses getting back to normal work routine and in need for promotional materials.

Large format printing can be used to print anything that is big, including big posters, wallpapers, billboards and is also commonly used in a wide range of signage and POS products. Wide format printing is based on inkjet printing technology, that was first developed and commercially introduced in Japan back in to 1950s.

Since then, Japanese company Mimaki has become the most popular and recognizable brand, familiar to many for its reliable and accessible printers.

However, there is a little inconvenience for those businesses who prefer using #Mimaki printers – the cost of the Mimaki ink. When you purchase a printer, it also involves a usage of original Mimaki ink, and I must admit it is not a cheap option. For many businesses, the cost of original ink turns to a burden of monthly subscription, that affects the production cost and hence reduces business profits.

No wonder why the large format printing businesses try to use inks from other suppliers, including European brands and much cheaper Chinese ink manufactures - it significantly reduces costs, whilst keeping the printing quality at the high standard. However, this is a problem – Mimaki printers use special Mimaki ink chips where all the digitally encrypted information stored. These are used to prevent from using non-original ink.

So, this is not an easy task and basically, business owners have two options to switch to the other ink suppliers: the first option is to replace the original Mimaki ink chips; and the second option is to reset the information on the original Mimaki chips with a special device, called ink chip programmer.

Now I want to review two options for their pros and cons.

If you opt in for chips replacement, you have to be aware that there are no permanent ink chips in the market. This is a myth that trips up a lot of people. No matter what you’ve heard before, you cannot get permanent chips – they all have an expiry date. Depending on manufacturer ink chips can last from 6 month to 1 year. After that you have to buy ink chip set again. Set includes 4 to 8 ink chips (1 for each colour) and it costs around $150 which you need to purchase every 6/12 month.

Sometimes using non-original Mimaki ink chips also involves system errors that can lead to instability in printing process. A printer’s software can determine non-original chips and prevents from using them.

Now let’s look into the second option - resetting the information on the original Mimaki ink chips by using ink chip programmer, also known as Mimaki ink chip resetter. There are a few obvious benefits of using ink chip programmer.

The first benefit – there is no expiry date and hence no additional costs for purchasing ink chip sets, since you reprogram original Mimaki ink chips.

The second benefit is safety of use, you still use original Mimaki ink chips that ensure error free printing process.

The third benefit is that you can reset the information on chips unlimited times, including expiry date, the ink level, colour, and even ink type.

The fourth pro is that you can use one ink chip programmer for multiple printers, there is no limit on chips quantity. This can especially benefit those businesses that own a few printers.

All that said, ink chip programmer allows you safely reprogram original Mimaki ink chips unlimited times and comes as a one-time purchase.

Now I would like to talk about the latest and most advanced ink chip programmer on the market – Mikachip.

Mikachip was developed by research and development company based in Australia. A 15-year experience in large format printing industry has opened the potential for the innovative technology that allows you reprogram original Mimaki ink chips in one touch.

#MikaChip incorporates a user-friendly software and easy-to-use device. In fact, Mikachip was created as an answer to all complex devices and programs that exist on the market. Mikachip was developed to facilitate life of those who are not necessarily technically advanced and just looking to get the job done. That’s why so many business owners prefer Mikachip over others.

To start programming your ink chips, first you need to install a software. The software will automatically open on your computer and ask you for an activation code. Once the code is entered the software is active and ready to use.

The next step is to connect the Mikachip device to the computer and chips. The wire colour helps you to make it right. The red wire clips on to a small plate, the black wire connects to a larger plate.

Now you can reset an ink level, an expiry date, ink colour and type in one click.

You can purchase Mikachip on our website or alternatively on eBay

Mikachip has been proven as a reliable and easy to use device and software, loved by many users. This is a one-time purchase that will save you tonne!



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